Race 3 (1-7 November) - 5km Distance

The numbers continue to build, with 46 entrants this week spanning 6 regions of New Zealand, all the age groups and nearly all the board fleets too!
At the front of the fleet, Scott Keon is on an absolute roll, having worked his way up a place at a time, from 3rd in the first event to 1st in this event, with a blisteringly fast pace. In the ladies, Pip Gaensicke has re-established herself as the one to beat. Outside of Auckland, after a long absence from racing Mike Ward has re-entered battle to take top honours in the Northland fleet, with Shirley Dryden leading the ladies. In Otago it’s Ron Oranje back in front, along with the ever-consistent Karyn Finlayson.
Special mention must also go to super veteran standout Karl Wannemacher who was so determined to make sure he achieved the full 5km distance, that he actually paddled 13km just to be on the safe side! Very impressive.
Scroll down to see the overall results , results by region, gender, age group and board fleet!

So folks, it’s back to 3km this week. For those of you who’ve been with the series since the start, this is your chance to try and improve on your initial performance. Have fun planning your race…